Re: show differences between Strict and Transitional

* Aramis Concepcion Duran wrote:
>I am using HTML Tidy for Linux released on 25 March 2009 to validate an
>HTML document. just one simple question.
>Tidy puts out these lines:
>	Info: Doctype given is "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
>	Info: Document content looks like XHTML 1.0 Transitional
>I want it to be Strict. So, is there any way to let tidy show me which
>parts of the document don't comply to XHTML 1.0 Strict?
>I hope, that's the right list for this question.

This is the right list and no, there is not. Tidy just collects some
rough information about which features are used in the document, and
then compares that with the specified version when it finished parsing
the document. It will also not complain about, say, missing quote marks
around attribute values, even though these are required in XHTML, and
prefers to simply correct problems like that. To check whether your
document conforms to some particular HTML or XHTML specification you
are better off with <>.

Note that you can download the XHTML DTDs and then use generic XML
tools, like xmllint which comes with libxml2, to check whether your
document is well-formed and meets the constraints of the XHTML DTDs,
even from the command line in case of xmllint.
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Received on Tuesday, 21 September 2010 09:34:34 UTC