"<a> cannot copy name attribute to id"

What mean these warnings and how do i fix it?
line 83 column 1 - Warning: <a> cannot copy name attribute to id
line 96 column 1 - Warning: <a> cannot copy name attribute to id
line 109 column 1 - Warning: <a> cannot copy name attribute to id
line 122 column 1 - Warning: <a> cannot copy name attribute to id
line 135 column 1 - Warning: <a> cannot copy name attribute to id
line 148 column 1 - Warning: <a> cannot copy name attribute to id
line 161 column 1 - Warning: <a> cannot copy name attribute to id
line 174 column 1 - Warning: <a> cannot copy name attribute to id
line 187 column 1 - Warning: <a> cannot copy name attribute to id
line 200 column 1 - Warning: <a> cannot copy name attribute to id

Info: Doctype given is "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
Info: Document content looks like HTML 4.01 Transitional
10 warnings, 0 errors were found!

/Buzzer		() кампания ascii ribbon - против писем в html формате
		/\ www.asciiribbon.org   - против проприетарных вложений

Received on Thursday, 22 October 2009 20:33:14 UTC