Re: Install Latest Version

I have no experience with MacOS so I do not know if cvs is available.
Assuming it is:


cvs login
cvs -z3 co -P tidy

#2 cd tidy/build/gmake; make;

#3 cp bin/tidy wherever_you_need_it


2008/11/30 David and Kelly <davidm.kellyb@xxx>:
> Hi and thank you for your reply.
> Yes, that is the point I don`t know how to do that. Do you have time to give
> me step by steps?
> Cheers,
> David.
> On 30/11/2008, at 10:42 PM, Arnaud Desitter wrote:
>> You will need to use CVS to get the latest source and built it yourself.
>> Regards,
>> 2008/11/29 David and Kelly <davidm.kellyb@xxx>:
>>> Hi there,
>>> Could you please give me instructions on how to install the latest
>>> version
>>> of tidy. I have 31 October 2006 - Build 13
>>> I am on Mac OS X - leopard
>>> Thanks for your time.
>>> Regards,
>>> David.

Received on Sunday, 30 November 2008 10:01:19 UTC