Re: Linkage problem with C++

Thanks so much for the help Arnaud it compiled perfectly, but when I ran it said:

avinjoy@localhost:~/workspace/tidyPrueba$ g++ -g -Wall -I/usr/local/include main.cpp -L/usr/local/lib -ltidy -oparser
avinjoy@localhost:~/workspace/tidyPrueba$ ./parser
./parser: symbol lookup error: ./parser: undefined symbol: tidyNodeGetValue

It would seem that all the other functions are define (I tried with tidyNodeGetText and it worked fine) but not this one.

/usr/local/lib is the directory where the tidylib is installed using gnuauto.
The code I'm using is basically the same as the example in the web page with a few things modified:

void dumpNode( TidyNode tnod, int indent, TidyDoc tdoc ,TidyBuffer *output )
  TidyNode child;
  Bool interesa;

  for ( child = tidyGetChild(tnod); child; child = tidyGetNext(child) )
    ctmbstr name;
    switch ( tidyNodeGetType(child) )
        case TidyNode_Root:       name = "Root";                    break;
        case TidyNode_DocType:    name = "DOCTYPE";                 break;
        case TidyNode_ProcIns:    name = "Processing Instruction";  break;
        case TidyNode_Text:       name = "Text";                    break;
        case TidyNode_CDATA:      name = "CDATA";                   break;
        case TidyNode_Section:    name = "XML Section";             break;
        case TidyNode_Asp:        name = "ASP";                     break;
        case TidyNode_Jste:       name = "JSTE";                    break;
        case TidyNode_Php:        name = "PHP";                     break;
        case TidyNode_XmlDecl:    name = "XML Declaration";         break;

        case TidyNode_Start:
        case TidyNode_End:
        case TidyNode_StartEnd:
             if ((tidyNodeGetType(child) == TidyNode_Comment) ||
                  tidyNodeIsADDRESS(child)  ||
                  tidyNodeIsAPPLET(child)   ||
                  tidyNodeIsBASE(child)     ||
                  tidyNodeIsBASEFONT(child) ||
                  tidyNodeIsCAPTION(child)  ||
                  tidyNodeIsCOL(child)      ||
                  tidyNodeIsCOLGROUP(child) ||
                  tidyNodeIsDD(child)       ||
                  tidyNodeIsDIR(child)      ||
                  tidyNodeIsDL(child)       ||
                  tidyNodeIsEMBED(child)    ||
                  tidyNodeIsEM(child)       ||
                  tidyNodeIsFRAME(child)    ||
                  tidyNodeIsFRAMESET(child) ||
                  tidyNodeIsIMG(child)      ||
                  tidyNodeIsISINDEX(child)  ||
                  tidyNodeIsLINK(child)     ||
                  tidyNodeIsLAYER(child)    ||
                  tidyNodeIsLISTING(child)  ||
                  tidyNodeIsMAP(child)      ||
                  tidyNodeIsMARQUEE(child)  ||
                  tidyNodeIsMENU(child)     ||
                  tidyNodeIsMETA(child)     ||
                  tidyNodeIsNOBR(child)     ||
                  tidyNodeIsNOFRAMES(child) ||
                  tidyNodeIsNOSCRIPT(child) ||
                  tidyNodeIsOBJECT(child)   ||
                  tidyNodeIsOL(child)       ||
                  tidyNodeIsOPTGROUP(child) ||
                  tidyNodeIsPARAM(child)    ||
                  tidyNodeIsPRE(child)      ||
                  tidyNodeIsProp(tdoc,child)     ||
                  tidyNodeIsQ(child)        ||
                  tidyNodeIsS(child)        ||
                  tidyNodeIsSCRIPT(child)   ||
                  tidyNodeIsSELECT(child)   ||
                  tidyNodeIsSTYLE(child)    ||
                  tidyNodeIsSPACER(child)   ||
                  tidyNodeIsTABLE(child)    ||
                  tidyNodeIsTR(child)       ||
                  tidyNodeIsWBR(child)      ||
                 //name = tidyNodeGetName( child );
    if (interesa)
        //assert( name != NULL );
        //printf( "\%*.*sNode: \%s\n", indent, indent, " ", name );
        std::cout << "Value: " << output->bp <<std::endl;
    dumpNode( child, indent + 4,tdoc, output);

void dumpBody( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyBuffer *output )
  dumpNode( tidyGetBody(tdoc), 0, tdoc, output );

An this fucntion gets called from the main function in the same file

TidyBuffer output;
    TidyBuffer errbuf;
    int rc = -1;
    Bool ok;


    TidyDoc tdoc = tidyCreate();
    ok = tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyXhtmlOut, yes );  // Convert to XHTML
    if ( ok )
      rc = tidySetErrorBuffer( tdoc, &errbuf );      // Capture diagnostics
    if ( rc >= 0 )
      rc = tidyParseFile(tdoc, "ejemplo.htm");     // Parse the input
    if ( rc >= 0 )
     rc = tidyCleanAndRepair( tdoc );               // Tidy it up!
    if ( rc >= 0 )
      //rc = tidyRunDiagnostics( tdoc );
      dumpBody(tdoc, &output);

    return rc;

Could it be a bug in the installation?

Thanks so much, in advance

--- El lun 15-sep-08, Arnaud Desitter <> escribió:
De: Arnaud Desitter <>
Asunto: Re: Linkage problem with C++
Fecha: lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2008, 6:26 am

2008/9/14 Alejo Vinjoy <>:
> Hi, I downloaded and installed Html tidy from sourceforge CVS.
> I followed the instructions and installed it using autotools in gnuauto
> directory and it installed correctly.
> I verified that the libraries are in /usr/local/lib directory.
> When I' trying to compile and link a little program I made using this
> g++ -g -Wall -otidys main.cpp -L ./usr/local/lib

g++ -g -Wall -I/usr/local/include main.cpp -L/path/to/tidy/lib -ltidy


> I get these error messages:
> /home/loc/workspace/tidyReloaded/main.cpp:33: undefined reference to
> `tidyNodeGetType'
> /home/loc/workspace/tidyReloaded/main.cpp:33: undefined reference to
> `tidyNodeIsADDRESS'
> /home/loc/workspace/tidyReloaded/main.cpp:33: undefined reference to
> `tidyNodeIsAPPLET'
> and so on..
> Obviously I'm doing something wrong, could anyone point mein the right
> direction?
> Is this  g++ -g -Wall -otidys main.cpp -L ./usr/local/lib correct for
> compilation?
> Thanks,
> Alejo
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Received on Monday, 15 September 2008 12:06:17 UTC