bug report for access.c ver 1.39


I've found a bug while parsing a html page using the tidy lib. u can get the page from the url below:


the error found in access.c with the version info:

/* access.c -- carry out accessibility checks

  Copyright University of Toronto
  Portions (c) 1998-2008 (W3C) MIT, ERCIM, Keio University
  See tidy.h for the copyright notice.
  CVS Info :

    $Author: arnaud02 $ 
    $Date: 2008/03/22 00:02:34 $ 
    $Revision: 1.39 $ 


and the call stack is :

CheckTable(_TidyDocImpl * 0x00dfbba0, _Node * 0x019a8cf0) line 1724 + 6 bytes
AccessibilityCheckNode(_TidyDocImpl * 0x00dfbba0, _Node * 0x019a8cf0) line 3148 + 13 bytes
AccessibilityCheckNode(_TidyDocImpl * 0x00dfbba0, _Node * 0x019bcb48) line 3259 + 13 bytes
AccessibilityCheckNode(_TidyDocImpl * 0x00dfbba0, _Node * 0x019a22b8) line 3259 + 13 bytes
AccessibilityCheckNode(_TidyDocImpl * 0x00dfbba0, _Node * 0x019a2100) line 3259 + 13 bytes
AccessibilityCheckNode(_TidyDocImpl * 0x00dfbba0, _Node * 0x0199b5b0) line 3259 + 13 bytes
AccessibilityCheckNode(_TidyDocImpl * 0x00dfbba0, _Node * 0x01998f00) line 3259 + 13 bytes
AccessibilityCheckNode(_TidyDocImpl * 0x00dfbba0, _Node * 0x01994e80) line 3259 + 13 bytes
AccessibilityCheckNode(_TidyDocImpl * 0x00dfbba0, _Node * 0x00dfbba0) line 3259 + 13 bytes
prvTidyAccessibilityChecks(_TidyDocImpl * 0x00dfbba0) line 3310 + 13 bytes
prvTidyParseDocument(_TidyDocImpl * 0x00dfbba0) line 4198 + 9 bytes
prvTidyDocParseStream(_TidyDocImpl * 0x00dfbba0, _StreamIn * 0x01992768) line 1205 + 9 bytes
tidyDocParseString(_TidyDocImpl * 0x00dfbba0, const char * 0x02830040) line 923 + 13 bytes
tidyParseString(const _TidyDoc * 0x00dfbba0, const char * 0x02830040) line 840 + 13 bytes


thanks for your support.

best regards.

   yours dany


Received on Wednesday, 6 August 2008 09:46:49 UTC