Re: HTML Tidy Question

Eric Frost wrote:
> Hello Brian,
> Yes, but you will need shell access.. assuming it is running Linux, you should write a shell script to traverse the directories and make the changes. Here's a Windows batch file to do the same thing:
> ______________
> cd "%1"
> ECHO Processing HTML files with Tidy...
> for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /s *.htm*') do tidy -i -c -q -m -c -b --quote-marks yes --drop-empty-paras yes "%%a" | ECHO File: %%a
> ______________
> ( from )
> If you don't have shell access, the ISP will sometimes run it for you if you tell them exactly what you want them to do.. sometimes for a fee.
> hope this helps,

Ya.  The linux command is easier.

find $dir -iname \*.htm\? -exec tidy -i -c -q -m -c -b --quote-marks=yes 
--drop-empty-paras=yes "{}" \;

Received on Sunday, 23 March 2008 19:14:27 UTC