Converting html 3.2 to xhtml strict

Is it possible to convert from standard HTML 3.2 to xhtml 1.0 strict? I've tried every tidy configuration I can think of. It spits out the xhtml strict 1.0 doctype header, makes a bunch of changes like  , but not one single page out of 2,000 will validate with w3 validator. Each page has 100 or more reported errors. Example errors:

Line 38, Column 17: there is no attribute "background".

Line 39, Column 24: document type does not allow element "a" here;

Line 43, Column 16: there is no attribute "width".

Maybe I'm hoping for a miracle and this conversion just isn't going to be possible. Obviously there are things in the HTML like the background body image that wouldn't be possible to convert so tidy leaves it alone. But maybe there is a way to convert and then give a list of things which  need to be changed in order to validate or ?

I should note that I have no problem converting from HTML 3.2 to XHTML Transitional. But I'm not able to go from XHTML Transitional to strict with anything.

Hope this isn't a stupid question,
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Received on Sunday, 9 March 2008 14:34:45 UTC