More Questions


Using "HTML Tidy", I would like to have explanation concerning:

1°) Why "HTML Tidy" does not manage properly the <sub> element within the
<title> element ?

<title>SourceOECD: Factbook 2007 - Emissions of carbon dioxide


<title>SourceOECD: Factbook 2007 - Emissions of carbon dioxide

2°)  Why "HTML Tidy" does not convert &bull; or &#149 character ? 

My configuration for the encoding process: Input-encoding:ascii ;
When I open the XHTML page, the bullet does not appear.

Thank you a lot for your help.

Best regards,

>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	VILLEPREUX Charles, PAC/PS  
> Sent:	03 August, 2007 10:08 AM
> To:	''
> Subject:	Questions
> Hi,
> I am currently working at the OECD in Paris and for my current project, I
> need to convert HTML files to XHTML files.
> I have found on the Internet that "HTML Tidy" is a good tool to do it. It
> was originally written by Dave Raggett of the World Wide Web Consortium
> (W3C).
> The software is now maintained by a group of volunteers working as an Open
> Source Community at Source Forge.
> So I have downloaded the EXE Version from 24 jul 2007:
> I have created a configuration file.
> Command line: tidy -config config.txt index_HTML 
> The log file "err.txt" only indicates warnings.
> But using tool, I have discovered some errors
> like:
> 1°) required attribute "alt" not specified for the "img" element
> 	Q1: Why "HTML Tidy" do not create automatically required attributes ?
> 2°) required attribute "action" not specified for the "form" element
> 			HTML:
> 				<form name=switchit><input type=hidden
> value=0 name=switchedselector></form>
> 			XHTML:
> 				<form name="switchit" id="switchit"><input
> type="hidden" value="0" name="switchedselector" /></form>
> 	Q2: Why does HTML Tidy create the attribute id="switchit" ?
> 3°) ID X already defined 
> 			HTML:
> 				<br />
> 				<br><br></p><p></p>
> 				</span></td>
> 				</tr>
> 			XHTML:
> 				<br />
> 				<br />
> 				<br />
> 				<br />
> 				<br /></span>
> 				<p><span id="06" style="display:
> none;"></span></p>
> 				</td>
> 				</tr>
> 	Q3: Why does HTML Tidy create a span element with an id (06) which
> already exists ?
> 4) value of attribute "id" invalid: "0" cannot start a name (For example,
> id and name attributes must begin with a letter, not a digit)
> 			HTML
> 				<img src="plusminusimages/01plus.gif"
> border="0" id="01_image" onclick="javascript:changePlusMinus('01');"
> style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand" name="01_image" />
> 				...
> 				<span id="01" style="display: none ...
> 	Q4: Do you think it is more a warning than an error ? (It does not
> seem to provoke any problem when browsing the XHTML file ...)
> 5°) there is no attribute "width" for the "div" element
> 			HTML:
> 				<div id="showhideText" width="100"
> class="normal">Show all indicators</div>
> 			XHTML:
> 				<div id="showhideText" width="100"
> class="normal">Show all indicators</div>
> 	Q5: Why does "HTML Tidy" keep the "width" attribute ? Why not delete
> it ?
> Afterwards I have checked with Internet Explorer browser the difference
> between the HTML and the XHTML  
> I do not understand these following transformations done by "HTML Tidy":
> I) - A link does not work anymore.
> 			HTML:
> 				<a
> href="javascript:openAll('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10',
> '11','12')" class="Text"><div id="showhideText" width="100"
> class="normal">Show all indicators</div></a>
> 			XHTML:
> 				<a
> href="javascript:openAll('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10',
> '11','12')" class="Text"></a>
> 				<div id="showhideText" width="100"
> class="normal">Show all indicators</div>
> 	Q6: Why does "HTML Tidy" change the imbrication of tags ?
> II) - More line breaks.
> 			HTML:
> 				&bull; <a class='Text'
> href='01-02-02.htm'>Elderly population by region</a><br />
> 				<br><br></p>
> 				</span></td>
> 				</tr>
> 			XHTML:
> 				&#8226; <a class='Text'
> href='01-02-02.htm'>Elderly population by
> 				region</a><br />
> 				<br />
> 				<br />
> 				<br />
> 				<br /></span></td>
> 				</tr>
> 	Q7: Why does "HTML Tidy" generate additional <br /> elements ?
> See attached HTML, XHTML, log and configuration files:
>  << File: index_HTML.htm >>  << File: index_XHTML.htm >> 
>  << File: err.txt >>  << File: config.txt >> 
> Thank you a lot for your help. May be some parameters have to be added in
> the configuration file ....
> Best regards,
> Technical Assistant
> R&D 
> Tel: +33 (0)1 49 10 43 66
> HTML Tidy is a tool that was originally written by Dave Raggett of the
> World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It is designed to fix mistakes in HTML,
> tidy up the layout (hence the name), assist with web accessibility, convert
> HTML to XHTML and many other things.
> The software is now maintained by a group of volunteers working as an Open
> Source Community at Source Forge and this is the place to go for more
> information.
> HTML Tidy Documentation:

Received on Monday, 3 September 2007 16:49:49 UTC