Re: missing quote mark for attribute value

On 31 Oct 2006 at 10:34, Florian Vielhauer said:

> Hello all,
> I'm using HTMLValidator plugin for Firefox 2.0 to check the output of my
> website.
> I'm getting the error "missing quote mark for attribute value".
> The error always occurs when I have something like that on my page:
> <span id="mySpan" xml="<><><><><><>"></span>
> When I change the line into
> <span id="mySpan" xml="<><><><><>"></span>
> I don't get the error any more. 
> If <>-brackets are not allowed in property attributes why do I get an
> error in case 1 and no error in case 2? Isn't that a bit odd?

Most likely due to a heuristic.

Tidy attempts to detect missing quotes on attributes. One way is to check 
for things that are apparently within quotes but "probably" should be 
outside them. Looking for <> is quite likely to be one of the checks 
applied, and in that case an upper limit on the number of them allowed 
before issuing a missing-quotes message is not unreasonable.

Does replacing the syntactically incorrect "<>" with "&lt;&gt;" help? (It 
does when I run stand-alone Tidy).

Received on Tuesday, 31 October 2006 13:59:22 UTC