Re: AW: Re: AW: Howto close tags?

On 6 Oct 2006 at 18:27, Ragnar Heil said:

> ---If you specify nothing but -asxml then it should close the tags. It
> does when I try it. Which version are you running? What error message(s)
> do you get? What does the output look like?---
> Hi Fred,
> Thank you very much for sharing your ideas!
> I am using tidy for windows from 14.feb 
> Find th errors below. I dont receive a new file. Now I tried to set
> input-xml to no but with same results.
> line 2 column 1 - Warning: <component> is not approved by W3C
> line 2 column 1 - Warning: missing <!DOCTYPE> declaration
> line 2 column 1 - Warning: <title> isn't allowed in <component> elements
> line 4 column 1 - Error: <short_intro> is not recognized! 

So you obviously haven't bothered to tell Tidy about all your nonstandard 

Define them (all), and see what it does then.

Received on Friday, 6 October 2006 18:46:08 UTC