Re: TiDy

Hi Dave and all,

I am glad to know about Tidy, tool is doing great and cleaning bad html in 

Thanks to all for their best efforts for developing and maintaining this 

I would be more thankful if anyone guide me if tidy work under following 

I don't want Tidy to modify any text or any attributes etc (dropping empty 
font, b tags, In Tidy, there are no options to keep these as it is.) other 
than under following conditions?.
i.e 1. if there is start tag and no end tag, Tidy should add end tag.
     2. if there is end tag and no start tag, Tidy should add start tag.

Thats' it. only the above two options..and i prefer not to change anything 
else in my html page. Is it possible if we set all the options to no?

Please guide me..

Thanks to all for support.


Received on Friday, 9 June 2006 14:52:12 UTC