Re: Processing multiple files? Using wild cards?

On 31 May 2006 at 19:00, Salan Sinclair said:

> In case any command-line newbie wants to know, I figured out how to
> achieve the same result with a batch file, rather than trying to do it
> with Tidy.
> 1. Create a text file with .bat extension.
> 2. In the file, type this:
>     FOR /R <folder> %%G in (*.htm) DO tidy -config tidy_config.txt %%G
>     Replacing <folder> with the path of the folder containing the .HTM
>     files
> 3. Save and close it.
> 4. To execute the file, double-click it.
> The part that I haven't figured out is how to get an error report that
> covers all of the files. If anyone knows how to do that, I'd greatly
> appreciate it.

Try appending
  2>> reportfile.txt
to the command. This will be cumulative, so you may want to start the BAT 
file with
  del reportfile.txt
to clear it out for each run.

Received on Thursday, 1 June 2006 09:45:41 UTC