Tidy does fancy entity replacements, but it shouldn't

Hi everybody,

I'm using tidy to clean up partial HTML documents. However, tidy messes up some entities where it shouldn't. Example:

This is a testcase where I need to ä stay ä and ä should stay ä

I played around with the tidy options, but either ä is converted to ä, ä is converted to ä or both ä and ä are converted to ä. 

Is there an option to ignore entities? I just need to clean up broken elements (e.g. incorrect nesting).

With best regards,
Timo A. Hummel

four for business AG

Lilistrasse 83/C  |  63067 Offenbach
phone: +49 69 801082-0  |  fax: +49 69 801082-79
mail: timo.hummel@4fb.de  |  web: http://www.4fb.de	

Received on Monday, 21 November 2005 15:03:40 UTC