Building tidy on VS.NET

I’m trying to build HTML Tidy on Win32 with Visual Studio.NET.  The README
doc under the “build” folder indicates that there should be an “”
folder with some solution file that will help me build with VS.NET.  However
that folder does not exist.  Then, I found some post that is a discussion of
how the build directory layout will be changing:

But it looks like that hasn’t happened yet.  

I’m interested in doing this because I would like to build the version of
HTML Tidy with hash tables, and I would like to generate a SWIG wrapper for
it so I could use it in my C# projects.  If anyone can either help me build
Tidy with VS.NET so I can move on to step 2, or if someone has been in a
similar situation and has found a reasonable workaround please let me know.

Please reply to me and the list.  I am not subscribed.

-Tim Gebhardt 
1 + 1 = 3 (for very large values of 1)

Received on Tuesday, 1 November 2005 03:05:31 UTC