Re: I get this as an error

On 12 Oct 2005 at 19:24, Jonathan said:

> I get this as an error in BBTidy
> line 63 column 49 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
> this is line 63
> <a href=" From The 
> EVERCLEAR Windows And Doors WEBSITE" 
> onMouseOver="window.status='EVERCLEAR Windows And Doors, Inc. 
> EMAIL';return true;"><IMG SRC="./graphics/elogo02.jpg" border="0" 
> WIDTH="244" HEIGHT="208" ALT="EVERCLEAR Windows And Doors, INC."></a>
> Know Why??

Basically it means what it says. The URI is malformed and it's tried to 
patch it up, but since it may not have done what you wanted it's telling 
you about it so you can check. That's why it's rated "warning".

Received on Thursday, 20 October 2005 08:16:25 UTC