Attribute remover

I have developed a application destinated to solve a lack of functionality
of the tidy program. The tidy does not remove all extra attributes that
finds in the html and are not valid given the xhtml DTD. I assume that
tidy preserves those attributes to avoid losing information, but I needed
to get them all deleted.
This software reads one or more DTD and parses a xhtml file to delete
all attributes and  values that do not fit into the DTDs loaded. I hope that you will
find it useful. It is GPL and can be downloaded at my personal

Enrique Sánchez Villamil
Técnico de Laboratorio
Departamento de Lenguajes    E-mail:
y Sistemas Informáticos            Teléfono: +34-96-590-3400 ext. 2383
E-03071 Alicante, España

Received on Monday, 7 February 2005 09:50:01 UTC