RE: How to encrypt email addresses on html file

At 12:53 14/01/2005, Lee Matt wrote:

>> I have a html page which has the email id : 
>> Since I receive lot of junk email as a result of the above 
>> email id being displayed on the web page, I want to know if 
>> there is some provision to encrypt this email id and display 
>> so that it is not visible to the automatic tools that visit my page ?
>You could replace @ with @ - this seems to work for me.
>ie. - the browser will interpret it for you.

In addition to that, you could replace the @ in the href attribute with %40,
but of course, tricks like this are easy to deal with by writers of e-mail harvesting robots. (They could even be lurking on this list;-) I guess the JavaScript suggested by Fred Bone is more reliable in the long run (if you change the script regularly), but it also creates accessibility problems (for users who need to rely on browsers that don't support JavaScript, e.g. some special browsers used by blind users). 
I sometimes see images of e-mail addresses, but these are also inaccessible for anyone who can't see pictures (blind users, lynx users, ...), so if you take this route, it would be better to add an audio file with a recording of the pronunciation of the e-mail address. Of course, this is a lot of trouble to protect your address from spammers.

Christophe Strobbe

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Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Departement of Electrical Engineering - Research Group on  Document Architectures
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Received on Friday, 14 January 2005 12:21:14 UTC