Tidy up not valid NITF-files


from a press agency I get NITF-XML-files which are not valid.
They contain HTML-entities like München
I want to get back the real special character (Umlaute) like München

Could you please check my config.txt which options are missing/incorrect?

// sample config file for HTML tidy
indent: auto
indent-spaces: 2
wrap: 72
markup: no
output-xml: yes
input-xml: no
show-warnings: yes
numeric-entities: no
quote-marks: yes
quote-nbsp: yes
quote-ampersand: no
break-before-br: no
uppercase-tags: no
uppercase-attributes: no
char-encoding: utf8
new-inline-tags: cfif, cfelse, math, mroot, 
  mrow, mi, mn, mo, msqrt, mfrac, msubsup, munderover,
  munder, mover, mmultiscripts, msup, msub, mtext,
  mprescripts, mtable, mtr, mtd, mth
new-blocklevel-tags: cfoutput, cfquery
new-empty-tags: cfelse



Received on Tuesday, 23 November 2004 04:01:45 UTC