The Power of Healthy Words

Title: The Power of Healthy Words
Author: Patricia Wagner 
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Article Word Count: 678
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Date of Copyright: copyright © 2004 by Patricia Wagner 
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The Power of Healthy Words 
(c)Copyright 2004 by Patricia Wagner  

How would you like to improve how you relate to others and 
become more energetic at the same time without having to 
purchase anything?  

Here's a surprising truth - one of the most powerful weapons 
to enhance your life is your own tongue!  

A powerful pep zapper is distress over troubled 
relationships! Worrying about them can quickly siphon off 
needed energy. So why not try a more effective way to 
resolve these problems?  

Here's a simple five-point plan for improving relationships 
and increasing your energy level at the same time.  

1. Practice speaking encouraging words instead of negative 

Concentrate on the qualities in other people that you can 
affirm and dwell on those things instead of on their faults. 
This alone should do wonders in relieving stress in your 

Doctors know that prolonged anxiety harms you, but healing 
words can soothe stress and a peaceful mind leads to 
improved physical health too. 

What we say can have a permanent effect for good or for 
evil. Think back in your own life when someone encouraged 
you. You still remember what they said, don't you?  

We store in our minds in a kind of mental art gallery what 
others have said to us. What words of yours would you like 
to have permanently installed in someone else's mind?  

2. Avoid fueling verbal fires. 

When someone starts to blow up all over you, be careful 
about your response. Why burn your relationship house down 
with your own mouth? Try spraying water on an argument with 
calm words instead of using a flame-thrower.  

How many marriages have been destroyed when in a fit of 
anger people spew out hurtful accusations to one another 
that are never forgotten. You might as well punch a hole in 
a feather pillow and let the feathers fly all over the place 
and then try to collect them one by one! You can't get back 
the damaging effects of those hurtful words either.  

Want to free yourself from an entrapping verbal situation? 
Practice waiting a while before answering someone when 
you're angry. Then carefully choose what you are going to 
say. Your reply could well be remembered for the rest of the 
other person's life!  

"A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up 
anger" (Proverbs 15:1 NKJV).  

3. Don't be a motormouth.

Listen more than you talk and think about what you're going 
to say before you say it. Don't just blurt out whatever is 
on your mind.  

People who constantly chatter on and on about themselves and 
their opinions strain their relationships. If you enjoy 
monopolizing conversations, think about what other people 
may be experiencing when they're with you.  

Also, the more you talk, the more likely you'll be to put 
your foot in your mouth. That's known as "foot-in-mouth 
disease!" So think before you let something out that you'll 
regret saying.  

4. Nip hurtful speech in the bud by carefully choosing your 

If you could put what you're thinking on a CD, what would 
you entitle it? Thought patterns will come out sooner or 
later in your conversations.  

Abraham Lincoln is remembered as being one of the United 
States of America's greatest presidents. But he experienced 
many failures along the way. These failures were in the 
areas of formal education (which he lacked), business, 
farming and in obtaining desired political offices.  

If Abraham Lincoln had thought of himself as a loser when he 
failed so many times in life, he would have been unable to 
fulfill his destiny.  

5. Pray for healing words to tap the Source of wisdom.

Consider praying about what you are saying. Here's a 
to-the-point prayer:  

"Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my 
lips" ( Psalms 141:3).  

Want to have a better life? Choose better words!

Start afresh today to create beautiful art-word exhibitions 
in other people's minds with loving and caring words.  

Patricia Wagner offers tips on living more energetically at She is also an 
artist and you can view her original paintings at and her own eBay Art Store at 
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Received on Monday, 13 September 2004 20:41:54 UTC