- From: Kitchen Pages <jrobinson@kitchenpages.com>
- Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 13:19:16 GMT
- To: barbarajay@jpUS.org,derhoermi@gmx.net,html-tidy@w3.org
Hi barbara, I am not an official tidy w3c person – just a fellow list member (so my info may not be 110% correct). I had a similar problem when first using http://sourceforge.net/projects/tidy without selecting a Download Mirror site first. I can not re-create your result but I remembered this case so well its kind of hard to forget. It still burns. My browser (aka – with download manager) sees the URL line of http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/int64/tidy-040806-exe.zip and downloads it (folders for you, junk html files for me.. something else for others?) The URL line refers to a web page/redirector of some kind and seems to not be an actual zip file – its kind of misleading. Try one of these links : http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/int64/tidy-040806-exe.zip?use_mirror= optusnet http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/int64/tidy-040806-exe.zip?use_mirror= belnet etc.. A reason: If no mirror is selected at sourceforge.net by using the ? Symbol like above you will get an error of one kind or another when your download manager sees the link. I dont think the URL above exists but is a redirector of one kind or another. And your very correct – there is no real help provided for such a problem – compounded by the amount of versions that tidy comes in. But alas its a sourceforge thingie I guess (that or someone likes making me click stuff). The Links at http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/int64/ don't work either unless you add/append the mirror bit (?use_mirror=optusnet) to the download URL. I hope that helps, but wait – I have lots more ---- extra info ---- Down the bottom of the web page of the main entry page for tidy at http://tidy.sourceforge.net/ is a section named "Other Builds" and two versions by Terry and Cory with the Tidy.exe file requested in your post. Currently the above Tidy.exe is inside another named "tidy_win32.zip" at http://tidy.sourceforge.net/trt/tidy_win32.zip and at http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/int64/tidy-040806-exe.zip for Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP users. The second link above (current Edition by Cory) downloads files/folders if you do not have a mirror set as described. However, I think the links your after are located on the Right Hand side of the web page http://tidy.sourceforge.net/ somewhere as I will explain below, EG: as a word plug-in. The following sample from the right hand side of the tidy web page that shows a few versions of the/a Tidy program exist. Tidy as sourceforge are conserned is a source code that makes a LIB file. The LIB file can be incorperated into software applications to suit need/s. The default is a very boring console program/MsDos version – but it works well. Dave Raggett's Original 04 Aug 00 Win32 executable – (original console/MsDos version) Better GUI versions are below: TidyLIB Applications tsWebEditor - integrated browser editor <--- http://valet.htmlhelp.com/tidy/ ?? its news to me ?? Tidy UI - basic GUI for Win32 There are two or more versions of Tidy per-compiled for Windows operating systems that I know of; I would guess there are many more, may even have a plugin OCX/TLB/EXE/DLL/LIB file of some kind made using TidyLib for word users and other software clients/ends, etc; One is called TidyUI.exe, another called TidyGUI.exe, and a third named Tidy.exe (the one you asked about in post) TidyUI.exe version has an interface that allows me to see my editing as a web page. TidyGUI.exe version does not really have a interface like TidyUI to edit or view – just some buttons. Tidy.exe version tidy_win32.zip is a MsDos console application. The Tidy programs are able to make changes to your HTML and other file formats depending on the configuration of the version and location of Tidy that your using. PS: It took myself a long time to workout this; just how-long it took me to realise it is something I will keep to myself for a very long time. The double up affect of downloading files/folders did not help my understanding at first. PSS: Select a mirror site to download from, do not trust web links on sourceforge to work. I hope this helped but if not just repost your question. No reply is needed. :) Kind regards, Jason Robinson Jrobinson@KitchenPages.com ---Original Message--- Return-Path: <html-tidy-request@w3.org> Message-ID: <003401c4968e$b75cef20$6501a8c0@barbara> From: "Barbara Jay" <barbarajay@jpUS.org> To: <html-tidy@w3.org> Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 13:01:56 -0400 X-caa-id: c48b9e28db4be1f7dc96 Subject: installing tidy X-Archived-At: http://www.w3.org/mid/003401c4968e$b75cef20$6501a8c0@barbara Hello, I must be missing something. I'm not a novice, yet I haven't been able to download tidy successfully. There's no tidy.exe file in my download ! What I get is 4 folders: build, console, include and src. I've tried Site Valet's online version of HTML Tidy but it doesn't let me use the options, e.g., cleaning up html generated by MS Word. And the FAQs assume you've got a program to run. There really should be a basic FAQ: How do I install the program? thank you, barbara jay
Received on Thursday, 9 September 2004 20:17:17 UTC