- From: Angeshwar Deepak <angeshwar@yahoo.com>
- Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2004 08:27:00 -0700 (PDT)
- To: html-tidy@w3.org
Hi, I am using the Tidy.jar for making the html as well formed. I am using the tidy.jar file in Ant build and the build process works fine. But the problem is I am using these files in Forrest for building the project site. I need to feed .ehtml or .xml files and not .html to forrest. Is there any way to simply change the extension of the output file of tidy tool. i.e. the output from tidy should have the extension ..ehtml or .xml and not .html Is it possible to accomplish by making changes in the tidy.config file. If so whatare the changes or options. bye, with regards, Deepak. The ant build part is: target name="validate_xhtml"> <delete file="${tidy.output.file}"/> <foreach param="msg" target="run_tidy"> <path> <fileset dir="${deploy.home}"> <include name="**/*.html"/> </fileset> </path> </foreach> <antcall target ="copydir"/> </target> <target name="run_tidy"> <echo> ********* ${msg} </echo> <java classname="org.w3c.tidy.Tidy" fork="true"> <arg line=" -config ${tidy.config.file} -f errs.txt ${msg}" /> </java> </target> ===== ----------------------------------------------- Deepak Angeswar, Home: Pfaffenwaldring 48 C / 202, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany. Ph: Home: 049-0711-1225292 Mobile: 049-0176-24039227 Office: Work Student- DaimlerChrysler AG ITI/TP, Building R+V Gebäude, Eichwiesenring 14, 70567 Stuttgart, Germany. Email Id: deepak.angeswar@daimlerchrysler.com __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Y! Messenger - Communicate in real time. Download now. http://messenger.yahoo.com
Received on Sunday, 25 July 2004 08:11:52 UTC