Re: [Tidy-dev] Re: Instructions for windows users?

Ask and ye shall recieve:

It installs tidy.exe into /Windows, and puts start-menu shortcuts to
Raggett's intro and the quick reference.  If nobody wants
additions/changes to it I'll put it up on my binaries page..

On Sat, 17 Jul 2004 11:31:51 -0400, Charles Reitzel <> wrote:
> Hi Arno,
> Can you provide specific suggestions that you think would make the web page
> clearer?  For example, perhaps we should rename the link "Dave Raggett's
> Original" to "Dave Raggett's Introduction To Tidy".
> Also, if you would like to make a windows installer for Tidy, that would be
> a great contribution.  Perhaps you could work something out with Corey, who
> is kindly keeping the Windows builds up to date?
> I appreciate what you are saying.  It is hard sometimes for us
> bit-twiddlers to empathize with folks just trying to clean up a couple web
> pages. But you just can't be all things to all people.  My gut feeling is
> that folks who have trouble with the concept of copying executables into a
> directory "somewhere on their PATH" will have a hard time with any command
> line tool - including Tidy.  In fact, this is a large part of the
> motivation behind the Tidy library.  It has allowed many folks to build
> much more accessible front-ends to the core tool.
> take it easy,
> Charlie
> At 04:30 PM 7/11/2004 +0200, Arno Wouters wrote:
> >Dave Ragget's page gives an excellent introduction to Tidy but that was
> >not what I was looking for. My problem was not how to *run* tidy, but to
> >*install* it: what files should I download and how do I install them?
> >Dave's pages refers to <> for this. I followed
> >the link and was completely at loss.
> >
> >Here are the thoughts that went through my head in an attempt to find out
> >what I should do:
> >
> >It seems as if this is a page for Unix geeks. Hmm, I see at least three
> >links to 'windows'.  Which one do I need? One of the links is labeled
> >'current version'. Of  course I need the newest version. But why do they
> >provide older versions? The current version is in a section 'other builds'
> >and it is said that it is currently unsupported, which sound as if one
> >should only use that one if one knows what one is doing, which I do not.
> >Moreover, it is manually build. This probably means that I have to compile
> >it myself. I have no idea how to do that. No, this is definitely not the
> >one I am looking for. Perhaps, I need an older version. But they say that
> >there are many bugs in it and that they recommend the latest version. Hm,
> >the page also says "If you don't find a pre-built executable version of
> >Tidy to download for your machine/OS in the tables below, look at the
> >links on the right side of this page for versions of Tidy provided by
> >various people."  I have no idea what pre-built executable's are and why
> >they refer to 'various people' but perhaps they simply mean to say "people
> >who do not know unix should choose one of the versions advertised at the
> >right page". The only place were windows is mentioned at the right page is
> >in connection with something called 'HTMLTrim' [With hindsight, this
> >turned out to be the right directory!] which is "a highly customizable
> >X(HTML)/XML pretty-printer and fixer for Windows ". XML? Pretty printer?
> >Fixer? This does not sound  as if it is what I am looking for. I need Tidy
> >not Trim.  Well let me just try the link, just to see if it helps. They
> >say "windows" after all.  Oops. Six files. They call them tidy, not trim.
> >Strange, but this sounds as if it is what I am looking for. Good!  Which
> >one(s) should I download? Do I need them all? I have no idea where to put
> >them. There is one,, that says "get this if you're not a
> >C/C++ programmer" so that one I need definitely. But do I need the other
> >ones too? Perhaps, not, perhaps the .exe contains all others. No that is
> >not possible, the .exe is 126Kb, while the others are much bigger. But
> >surely I don't need the source code. So I guess I need (the .exe and
> >((tidy-lib and tidy-dll) or (tidy-lib-fast and tidy-dll-fast)). But I have
> >no idea were to put the libs and dlls. Or perhaps I do need the source
> >because that is the program that organises the other three. This is too
> >difficult for me. I better return to my work and just put the HTML files
> >generated by word on the web.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >At 10/7/04 11:40 -0400, Charles Reitzel wrote:
> >
> >>Excellent points, to which I usually respond:
> >>
> >>Dave's Original:
> >>Tidy Doc Links:
> >>Getting Started:
> >>
> >>Seriously, though, I have never seen fit to replace Dave's excellent
> >>exposition on how to run Tidy (link above).  It is aimed directly at HTML
> >>developers.  Imo, it is the best place to get started.
> >>
> >>At 04:53 AM 7/9/2004 -0700, Cory Nelson wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Get the exe, copy it to your windows directory (or somewhere in your path).
> >>>Open up a command prompt (start->run->cmd.exe) and run "tidy -h".
> >>>
> >>>The official tidy web page is excellent for programmers but not very
> >>>friendly when it comes to html developers.  Considering 78% of the
> >>>people visiting my binaries page get the EXE, I think it's high time
> >>>for some redesigning.
> >>>
> >>>I can't change the official site but in the next few days I'll make my
> >>>binaries page (above URL) friendlier to non-programmers.
> >>>
> >>>On Fri, 9 Jul 2004 11:52:05 +0200, Arno Wouters
> >>><> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>  Hello,
> >>>>
> >>>>  I am a simple windows user who has to maintain some web pages and
> >>>>  wants to use tidy to clean up the html produced by Word.  I happen to
> >>>>  recall that an installer could be downloaded from
> >>>>  <>. Currently there is no
> >>>>  installer on that page. Instead I was referred to
> >>>>  <>. OOPS. That was a surprise! But not a
> >>>>  nice one. I don't understand a word of that kind of talk about
> >>>>  executable binaries, hash sums, compile farm executables, cvs
> >>>>  sources,  hash table versions, libary wrappers and so on. I have no
> >>>>  idea what to download and how to install it. Please could you either
> >>>>  provide a simple windows installer or clear instructions in plain
> >>>>  English about what to download and how to install it. Thanks!
> >>>  >
> >>>>  Arno
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>-------------------------------------------------------
> >>>This SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings & Training.
> >>>Attend Black Hat Briefings & Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 -
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> >>>unmatched networking opportunities. Visit
> >>>_______________________________________________
> >>>Tidy-develop mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>"It's true that I've driven through a number of red lights on
> >>occasion.  But on the other hand, I've stopped at a lot of green ones but
> >>never gotten credit for it."
> >>
> >>- Glenn Gould
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >-------------------------------------------------------
> >This SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings & Training.
> >Attend Black Hat Briefings & Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - digital self
> >defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, unmatched networking
> >opportunities. Visit
> >_______________________________________________
> >Tidy-develop mailing list
> >
> >
> "It's true that I've driven through a number of red lights on
> occasion.  But on the other hand, I've stopped at a lot of green ones but
> never gotten credit for it."
> - Glenn Gould

Received on Saturday, 17 July 2004 15:42:18 UTC