Re: Seems Tidy is ingnoring quote-nbsp

Stolz wrote:

>Hi all.
>I've created my own tidy config file (see below).
>All the options works like a charm, but seems quote-nbsp doesn't work at all.
>Al the " " entities from the original Doc are converted to espaces, although I've set quote-nbsp to yes.
>I'm runnig the linux version
># tidy -v
>HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 released on 1st June 2004
>here is my config:
>bare: y
[ remainder snipped ]

Here is your problem. The 'bare' option is designed to produce output 
that is usable in very old browsers which did not have good unicode 
support. This option will cause "curly-quotes" (&ldquot;, &rdquot;, 
etc.) to be reduced to standard ASCII quotes (", ') — and – 
to be converted to a dash (-) and non-breaking spaces to be reduced to 
normal spaces. I would have liked this option to to all of the above 
_without_ messing with non-breaking spaces (and in fact have altered my 
local version to do just that) but that's not the way the main branch is 
implemented. Changing 'bare' to 'n' (or omitting the option altogether) 
ought to solve your problem.

Received on Wednesday, 7 July 2004 16:28:32 UTC