Comments on Tidy Beta version 15-Jan-2004

Good afternoon,

Not (yet) being on your distribution list, I do not know if these topics
have already been covered.  I've been using Tidy Beta (15 Jan 2004) for the
last week or so.  (I'm using it as a plug-in to Chami's HTML-Kit Version
1.0, Build 292, on Win-98.)  Nice program.  However, I have just noticed a
few items.

At the top of my page  is the expected
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
but I wanted to test 1.1.  So, I changed this to

<?xml version="1.1" encoding="us-ascii"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 Strict//EN"

Tidy responds with
> Doctype given is "(null)."

a) It might be useful to make the response something like, "Doctype given is
not yet supported by Tidy."

b)  Also, it would be nice if we could copy/paste comment lines/messages for
use in questions such as this.  (I assume that's a function of the Windows

c)  At one point I had validated the code on-line, and downloaded the logo.
Accordingly, I inserted

      <a href="">
      <img src="images/valid-xhtml11.gif"
      alt="Valid XHTML 1.1!"
      style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px" width="88" height="31" /></a>

In fact, there are three logos -- XHTML 1.1, CSS and ICRA -- each sitting in
a separate cell of a table.  At one point the XHTML logo disappeared.  I
could still see it locally, but not when I put the file on-line.  Then I
the following...

XHTML logo (in cell #1, at far left)
-- no longer visible
-- the "alt" line of code had been jogged half way across the page
-- Tidy had done nothing with the height and width
-- A strange <class="c1"> entry had been added (see code, below)

ICRA logo (middle cell)
-- still visible
-- Tidy had done nothing with the height and width
-- A strange <class="c2"> entry had been added

CSS logo (in cell #3, at far right)
-- still visible
-- Tidy apparently dropped the height and width from the CSS logo.
-- A strange <class="c1"> entry had been added

I just tried an experiment, and dropped the height and width from the XHTML
logo, to make it the same as the CSS logo.  Now <Ta Da!> the XHTML logo is
viewable.  Fine.  I'm happy, but that doesn't help your program.

This appears to have something to do with the program's addition of the
<class="c1"> and <class="c2"> codes, which I did not add, and neither of
which is in my style sheet.  It looks as if Tidy had added them.  Is it
Tidy?  Could it be the interface between Tidy and Chami's HTML-Kit?  Or
could it be something which happens when using the function to copy the Tidy
results to Chami?  All three logos had the code as exemplified above.  Here
is the code as it now validates...

      <table summary="validations" border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0"
          <td class="twohund">
            <a href=""><img src=
      "images/valid-xhtml11.gif" alt="Valid XHTML 1.1!" class="c1" /></a>
          <td class="twohund">
            <a href=""><img src=
            "images/icra40x38dkb.gif" alt=
            "Labeled with Internet Content Rating Association" class="c2"
            width="40" height="38" /></a>
          <td class="twohund">
            <a href=""><img src=
            "images/validcss.bmp" alt="Valid CSS!" class="c1" /></a>

On a further re-test I dropped the "class" entries, and it still validates.

d) Next item.  After running the above, on the first try the page would not
validate.  The on-line validator responded --

> Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because on lines 64,
> 186, 191 it contained one or more bytes that I cannot interpret as
> us-ascii (in other words, the bytes found are not valid values in the
> specified Character Encoding). Please check both the content of
> the file and the character encoding indication.

Since I could see nothing wrong, I retyped each of the suspect lines.  My
guess is that something about Tidy is inserting a non-standard space (or
perhaps it's the new-line?) character.  After the retyping, it validated OK.

e) Finally, on several tests I received a validator response that it could
not find a us-ascii notation on my site (and will thus assume it is
us-ascii), even though it is clearly specified in my code (see at top of
this message).  But, I cannot say if that has anything to do with Tidy.

Have fun with these.

Harold Baughan

Baughan & Company,     email:

Received on Monday, 9 February 2004 16:35:38 UTC