More options to control my output

Dear Sirs,

I have tried html-tidy but the output it produces destroys most of my document structure.

As I am working with Textpad a text based editor I need an optical structure to see sections in my document.

I have configured the output with

//TKS-Datei für HTML-Tidy
indent-attributes: no
vertical-space: yes
new-pre-tags: <a> <img> 
new-blocklevel-tags: <a> <img>
new-inline-tags: <a> <img>

but <a>- and <img>-Tags are not treated as I wish

Rather than

<td align="center"><a href="Gruppe01.jpg"><img src="tn_Gruppe01_jpg.jpg" border="0" alt="Gruppe01.jpg" width="192" height="144" /><br />
Gruppe01.jpg</a><br />
888.03 Kb</td>

I would want to get

<td align="center">
  <a href="Gruppe01.jpg"><img src="tn_Gruppe01_jpg.jpg" border="0" alt="Gruppe01.jpg" width="192" height="144" /><br /> Gruppe01.jpg</a><br />
  888.03 Kb


<td align="center">
  <a href="Gruppe01.jpg"><img src="tn_Gruppe01_jpg.jpg" border="0" alt="Gruppe01.jpg" width="192" height="144" /><br /> Gruppe01.jpg</a><br />  888.03 Kb


<td align="center">
  <a href="Gruppe01.jpg">
    <img src="tn_Gruppe01_jpg.jpg" border="0" alt="Gruppe01.jpg" width="192" height="144" /><br />
  </a><br />
  888.03 Kb

Are there other options? Is my cfg-File correct?

As my untidied files look good in the browser I am not interested in an 100% conform output (Be aware that indent yes is deprecated for production use as it will cause visual changes in most browsers...)

I would thank anyone giving me a hint!


Torsten-Karl Strempel

Received on Thursday, 20 November 2003 10:44:11 UTC