Re: tidy multiple files on Win/DOS

* manuel razzari wrote:
>Hello. I need to run HTML Tidy on multiple files (even better, multiple
>folders within a specified folder). I'm on a Win2000 IIS box.

Open a command prompt and run `for /?` or `help for`.

>3. DOS batch file
>Suggested at the Tidy list
>and should do it's job well but didn't work for me. (no output/error)

What did you try exactly?

>The solution I'm looking for is: "take this folder, take this tidy.config
>file, and run over all html files". Shouldn't be simple?

Well, `for /R %a in (*.html) do tidy -config tidy.config -m %a`...

Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2003 11:00:47 UTC