Re: Some problem with the attribute values.

On Thu, 9 Oct 2003 12:17:13 +0530, Vicky <> 

>   I have made a site and used align attribute and I've given values as 
> <td align="top">
> and <img align="center"> it works but when I check the code its showing 
> warning for that. Are this 2 values correct ..?? Please let me know 
> a.s.a.p.

'align=top' is not a proper attribute/value pair, you probably meant 
'valign=top'. See the HTML 4 spec for what attributes are available and 
what their possible values are.

'align=center' is OK, as long as you use a 'Transitional' Doctype. For 
'Strict', all presenatational attributes should be removed. Which is 
something Tidy can do for you, BTW, if you use the 'clean' option.

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It can absorb as much time as            |
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won't get any real work done.  - J.Nielsen

Received on Thursday, 9 October 2003 04:54:10 UTC