compiling perl XS interface to tidylib


I'd like to use htmltidy within a perl app that's serving web pages. I 
need to make several calls to tidy during a single page request, so a 
system call's not really acceptable. Therefore, I'm trying to use the 
Perl XS library from Charles Reitzel ( )

However, I couldn't even get this to compile (linux i686, gcc 3.2) when 
linking against the latest versions of tidylib. So I compiled an older 
version of the lib, from around the time that the XS wrapper was last 
released (Feb 03). However, though this compiles, the resulting .so file 
isn't loadable, failing with
tidyperl/blib/arch/auto/HTML/Tidy/ undefined symbol: 

Anyone had any success installing this (or another) Perl wrapper for tidy?


Alex Fenton

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2003 10:50:10 UTC