Re: Problem with <em>, <sup> and <sub>


I tried with  "output-xhtml yes" option. Now though it didn't insert space
in the expression, it has following problems.

1. html element has namespace reference.
<html xmlns="">

Is there any way to avoid "xmlns" attribute in the "html" element?

2. Style tag content is enclosed as follows.

<style type="text/css">
 div.c2 {text-align: left}
 p.c1 {text-align: center}

Any idea why is "/*<![CDATA[*/" and "/*]]>*/". Does it work okay on

Historically the <em>, <sup> stuff work working perfect with "HTML Tidy
release date: 4th August 2000[[See for
details]". Even though the option was "output-xml yes" and it was not
"output-xhtml yes"

The above tidy version was used in live production system and was working
perfect. Recently, we started facing system crash with older tidy and hence
switeched to new tidy. The new tidy isn't crashing but having different
behaviou with <em>, <sub> etc tags.


Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

> * Subbakrishna wrote:
> >Tidy options:
> >
> >--output-xml yes
> Should be `--output-xhtml yes` if you like to get XHTML. If the input
> document is not recognized as XHTML document, --ouput-xml will use the
> XML pretty printer which has no knowledge of HTML/XHTML and has several
> bugs.

Received on Monday, 7 July 2003 03:00:11 UTC