configuration woes

I'm using tidy on Linux to check my XHTML.

I'm munging my email address on my webpages using ascii encoding e.g

15;.ne&#116 ;

How do I keep tidy from converting this to it's ascii characters?

My tidy config file is attached below

Chris Harris

// HTML tidy config file
// Chris Harris
// 24 June 2003

// HTML XHTML option
clean: yes
doctype: strict
drop-font-tags: yes
drop-proprietary-attributes: yes
enclose-text: yes
numeric-entities: yes
output-xhtml: yes
quote-ampersand: yes
quote-marks: yes
quote-nbsp: yes

// character encoding options
ascii-chars: no
char-encoding: utf8

// pretty print options
indent: yes
indent-attributes: no
indent-spaces: 2

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2003 17:07:10 UTC