Re: Problem tidying.

>>The problem is that a form is started in a table after the first <tr> but 
>>before that <tr>'s first <td>. Hence the following errors and warning.
>>How can I make this get tidied. -- I am stuck!!
> Move <form> to precede <table> and </form> to follow </table>

Thanks. I just worked this out a few minutes before your email arrived, but 
my problem is that I need to Tidy a lot of these pages - too many to do 
manually. Does anyone know how I can get HTML Tidy to tidy this without 
having to change it manually? What options could I use? Or, since I don't 
actually need any of the data in the forms, how I can remove them? Any 
other ideas?

BTW: There are in fact 3 tables in the document that incorrectly have 
<form> after the start of <table>.

Many thanks and regards,


Received on Wednesday, 11 June 2003 10:41:42 UTC