does "show-body-only" also mean "accept-body-only"?


can anybody (maybe somebody of the tidy developers) tell me wether it is 
meant to be correct that tidy accepts "body-only" html as input without 
complaints when I use the option "show-body-only"?

As I would understand this option and also the text from the Quick 
Reference, it would mean to output only the body. However, I found out that 
tidy also accepts only the body as input.

I welcome this behaviour, but I would like to make sure that it is 
intentional. So if I check out a newer version from cvs, should I fear that 
it changes?

If it is intentional, I would suggest to include this information into the 
Quick Reference.

Thanks for your help and for the great tool tidy.

Achim Schäfer

P.S. I use tidy released on 1st March 2003 from cvs.

Received on Thursday, 10 April 2003 08:35:06 UTC