maintaining some formatting

I am a tidy-newbie and I have the following question:

Is it possible to maintain the whitespace in the HTML *code* (as opposed to
the HTML rendering)?

For example, if I have the following:

    <p class="Section">Objective</p>

    <p class="Description">A product management position
    that utilizes my creative, technical, management, and
    organizational expertise.</p>

Tidy gives me the following (which omits the white space between the 'p'

<p class="Section">Objective</p>
<p class="Description">A product management position that utilizes
my creative, technical, management, and organizational

I find this harder to read.  I notice that there is an option,
'break-before-br'. It occurred to me that something similar for paragraph
elements might do the trick, or if there were a way to stop tidy from
removing existing line spaces.  However, from what I've been able to find so
far in the documentation, the latter isn't possible because the content is
created from a new tree and the former option doesn't currently exist.  Am I
correct?  Any suggestions?

Many thanks.



Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2003 19:55:18 UTC