RE: Tidy and Custom Tags

Charles Reitzel wrote:

> Actually, there were two problems.  One was a config file
> parsing problem, which caused problems whenever you declared
> more than one type of tag (on sequential lines).  The other
> was declared empty tags never getting added to parse tree.  
> I checked in fixes to both in the library branch last week.

Are these fixes in the binaries on your page?  I just re-downloaded the
Win32 command line version and tested it on this:


    <aspx:header runat="server"/>

    <aspx:someblock foo="bar">block content</aspx:someblock>

    <p>A paragraph with <aspx:someinline foo="bar">inline 


with this config file:

    output-xhtml: yes
    doctype: strict
    wrap-asp: yes
    tidy-mark: no
    new-empty-tags: aspx:header
    new-blocklevel-tags: aspx:someblock
    new-inline-tags: aspx:someinline

And this is all I get as output:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

    <html xmlns="">


What happened to the aspx:* elements?


Received on Friday, 29 November 2002 12:50:31 UTC