Re: Viruses

Dave is not the one sending the virus.
The virus modifies the header of the email and impersonates who it is from.
I am not saying that there is nothing to be done, but it will not help at
all for Dave to unsub.

I don't know the solution.  It is not as easy as you think it is to block
email coming from this virus.   Final note.  I am not an admin on the
list, just wanted to help them out a little with this clarification.


> We are STILL getting virus attachments from
> This is ridiculous.
> Can someone PLEASE get this resolved?
> In the meantime, can Dave Raggett unsub from this list? I know he's the
> creator of Tidy, but this failure to resolve this virus issue merits an
> unsub until it's fixed.
> By remaining subbed, he's performing a disservice to us all.
> Scott
> --
> R. Scott Granneman
> ~
> Join GranneNotes! Information at
> "You're never too old to become younger."
>      ---Mae West

Received on Friday, 25 October 2002 14:44:27 UTC