Re: What Next

On Sun, 20 Oct 2002 12:39:53 -0600, Clarence L. Curl <> wrote:

> I have a popup screen that reads as follows:
> Line one states  HTML Tidy for Windows <vers 1st August 2002; built on 
> Aug 8 2002, at 15:41:13>
> Line two states   Parsing Console input <stdin>
> flashing cursor
> Since this my first experience with Tidy, where do I go from here?

Tidy is waiting for your HTML to come in, so it can parse it. From an 
earlier mail to this list by Dave Raggett:

"Tidy is fundamentally a tool that reads in HTML cleans it up and writes it 
out again. It was developed as a program you run from the
console prompt, but there are GUI encapsulations available, e.g. HTML-Kit, 
which you might prefer.

If you are using Windows, the first step is to unzip the zip file
and place the tidy.exe file in a folder somewhere on your executables path. 
You may also want to set up a config file to save having to type lots of 
options each time you run Tidy. From
the console prompt you can run Tidy like this:

C> tidy -m mywebpage.html

In this case, the -m option requests Tidy to write the tidied file
back to the same filename as it read from (mywebpage.html). Tidy
will give you a breakdown of the problems it found and the version
of HTML the file appears to be using."

See also

If you're not comfortable with the DOS command line, you should try one of 
the GUI versions:

One of these days, I'm going to write an HOWTO on using Tidy under Windows 
for people who come to Tidy without DOS knowledge. Or is there such a 
document available?

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Received on Sunday, 20 October 2002 17:05:05 UTC