Re: Repeated Virus Sent To List !!

Hi Dave,

Thanks for replying -- I had no idea that was such an
illustrious source as yourself, what next a trojan horse from Tim
Berners-Lee ??

Unfortunately the virus emails are still coming; at about a rate of 10 a
day my antivirus software rings an alarm bell (it no longer makes me jump).
The latest has a subject of 'Fw: Enjoy friendship :-)' and the virus is in
an attached file called 'checkfriends.scr'.



Dave Raggett wrote:
> Please accept my apologies on behalf of W3C for this problem. I have
> asked W3C's system admin team to look into preventing this
> reoccurring as a matter of urgency. The messages which appear to
> come from me are faking the from header. I use Linux and my machine
> is consequently immune from this virus.
> The W32.Yaha.F@mm virus is a mass-mailing worm that sends itself to
> all email addresses that exist in Microsoft Windows Address Book,
> the MSN Messenger List, the Yahoo Pager list and files that have
> extensions containing the letters "ht". The virus only infects
> Microsoft Windows platforms and can't infect Macintosh, Unix or
> Linux platforms. Symantec provide a free tool to renove infections,
> see:

> On Sun, 13 Oct 2002, Matthew Stanfield wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am repeatedly being sent the Yama virus (W32.Yaha.F@mm) via the
> > html-tidy list in emails whose subject is 'Hollywood Diet Recipe
> > Revealed'. The sender is "dsr<>" can these messages be
> > blocked by the list admin please.
> >
> > --------------------------------------------
> > DSR -- you are infected with the Yama virus.
> > --------------------------------------------
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > ..matthew

Received on Wednesday, 16 October 2002 07:26:11 UTC