
I believe that I asked this, but I am not sure wether I got an answer.
Tidy is very useful for cleaning HTML files and I use it to pretty print XML
files too.
My problem is that tidy breaks lines between elements, like this :
<elem1><elem2>Content of elem2
is changed to
  <elem2>Content of elem2

The result is far easier to read, but...
the content of the document has been _changed_ : the newline between
<elem1> and <elem2> has been added.
Would it be possible to break lines in the tags, such as
     >Content of elem2

It does not look so pretty, but is more correct.
Jade and Openjade use this process for breaking lines.

Jany Quintard               | I always wanted to be somebody,   | but I should have been more specific.
                            |  Lily Tomlin

Received on Friday, 11 October 2002 04:36:27 UTC