RE: [Tidy-dev] TidyHTML builds [was Re: Even weirder]

I no longer use it, and now try to make do with Opera's support for the
CSS presentation media. Hopefully we can expect CSS to evolve to support
more features oriented around the needs of slide shows. My two cents
worth would be to drop Tidy's slide bursting feature. It was an
experiment that didn't quite pay off.

On Mon, 2002-09-16 at 15:08, Charles Reitzel wrote:
> At 12:10 AM 9/16/2002 -0700, Terry Teague wrote:
> >At 01:50 PM 9/13/2002 -0400, Jelks Cabaniss wrote:
> >
> > >>PS.  Any heads-up on when Tidylib becomes the main branch?
> >
> >I'm waiting for Charlie to come clean on the list about the "-slides" 
> >option <grin>.
> You have forced me to tell all.  Here's the deal, I cut slide making 
> support out of TidyLib.   It simply broke the overall I/O model of the 
> library.  That, and there are better tools for the job, namely XSLT.
> I really have no idea how many people use the -slides option.  It has 
> always looked excessively hard-coded to my eye.  You really want to use 
> external template files: one for the TOC and another for the individual 
> slides.  The templates would contain any needed scripts or stylesheets, 
> etc.  In C in TidyLib is a tricky and inflexible place to maintain that stuff.
> Any arguments in favor?  If there are folks who still want to use it, Tidy 
> "Classic" will still be available.  In any case, it should be built as a 
> utility based on the library.
> Comments?
> take it easy,
> Charlie
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Received on Monday, 16 September 2002 14:04:49 UTC