Re: [JTidy] Why are the all fields of org.w3c.tidy.Node protected?

I think the simple answer is that the parsed text is not null terminated 
and care must be taken when accessing these fields.  Further, Tidy (and 
JTidy) stores characters internally as UTF-8 characters (most of the time), 
so you'll probably need to unmangle the text before you can use 
it.  Probably easier to use Tidy to emit clean XHTML and then use SAX or 
DOM tools to manipate the tree.

take it easy,

At 05:33 PM 8/20/2002 +1000, Martin Jericho wrote:
>Is there any reason why the fields start, end, content, next, etc of Node 
>are protected, and without getter methods?
>I would like to parse an HTML file, and simply get the start and end 
>positions of certain elements.  How can I do this when the start and end 
>fields are protected?
>Thanks for any help

Received on Tuesday, 20 August 2002 12:11:38 UTC