Re: TidyCOM

Hi Jelks,

I knew I could count on you to raise the issue! <grin>

As it happens, I spent a few hours yesterday working on the .NET 
wrapper.  It seems like this should be a simple task, but it is turning out 
to be the typical MS pain in the, er, posterior.  I think the VC7 byte-code 
compiler is still a bit green.  I am getting messages that have no visible 
appearance to the code itself.

If only because the environment is more mature, it might be easier to 
generate a COM dispatch wrapper using ATL for TidyLib.  Is that what you 
have in mind?

You are right, you cannot just call the DLL directly from VB, say.  Some 
wrapper code is necessary. For VB 5 and 6, this is preferably 
COM-based.  For VB7, it wants .NET but could probably still use COM, I 
haven't played with it yet. A COM interface would also make TidyLib 
accessible from Delphi and many other Windows languages.

take it easy,

At 05:45 PM 8/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Charlie, any possibility of a TidyCOM-like DLL based on the new sources?
> >From my meager understanding, you can't just the current Win32 DLL for
>this, right?

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2002 11:21:26 UTC