Re: HTML-Tidy with NotePad Pro

25-7-02 19:15:23, George Shaddock <> schreef: 

>In the past, I have used Tidy with NotePad Pro, and found it extremely 
>helpful in cleaning up html files generated by
>MS Word 97. Recently, I upgraded to OFFICE XP and found that my tidy file 
>had disappeared.
>I still use NotePad Pro very heavily, and would like to re-install 
>HTML-Tidy to work in conjunction with it. But - I don't know where to find 
>the file and how to install it.

* Download the tidy.exe executable from the tidy website, and put it in a 
separate directory or in the Notetab directory. Either use the old August 
4 2000 version:
 or the latest builds offered for the windows platform.

* The config file Notetab uses is "tidy.cfg" in the Notetab directory. 
Without a config file you get the default choices. I can send a sample config 
file if you like. See for a 
long list of possible options for the current builds.

* Now, when you choose 'Tools > Tidy HTML code' (or Ctrl+F7), Notetab will 
ask where the tidy executable is located. Locate it, and you're finished.

 If you don't like having choices    |  Rijk van Geijtenbeek
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Received on Wednesday, 31 July 2002 09:55:08 UTC