RE: Tidy adding returns inside xml elements

That isn't necessary with generic XML.  Tidy only does well-formed-ness 
checking on generic XML as it has no knowledge of the content model.

Tidy could print all empty tags the way Howard wants, tho.  Do folks want 
that behavior for all generic XML?  Opinions, please.  I really don't have 
one on this subject.  Also, there is an outstanding bug to turn off 
indenting for generic XML (you can't).

take it easy,

At 11:39 AM 7/11/2002 -0400, Jelks Cabaniss wrote:

>Howard, Kipp (LNG-CL) wrote:
> > I've tried a number of options but I cannot get tidy to
> > produces something more like this:
> >
> > <?xml version="1.0"?>
> > <root>
> > <empty />
> > <empty />
> > </root>
>Try adding "new-empty-tags: empty" to your config file.  I don't know if 
>that actually works yet, but that's what "new-empty-tags" is supposed to do.

Received on Thursday, 11 July 2002 12:28:55 UTC