Re: Python binding for Tidy?

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At 11:04 PM 7/2/2002 +0100, Rick Beton wrote:

>Hi all,
>I have been using Tidy for some time (the C version, 
> and I find it very useful. I have also 
>tinkered with the JTidy Java version 
>( and I note that there is a Perl 
>binding at the planning stage (
>Is anyone working on a Python binding? This would I guess be quite an easy 
>thing to include with the C version, given that Python as a language is a 
>veneer on C APIs anyway. A Python binding would make scripting with Tidy 
>very easy, e.g. to write bespoke website maintenance tools.

Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2002 21:17:38 UTC