Re: how to become a member of

At 2:21 AM -0400 6/23/02, Bernardine Pregerson wrote:
>    Please tell me how I can download HTML  Tidy.  I am struggling with my
>first HTML document and I am  struggling with those pesky tags (and
>everything else).  I am not a  member of World Wide Web.  Do I need to
>become a member to  download HTML Tidy?  If so, how can I become a
>member. I am an  instructor at L.A. Pierce College am trying to design a
>web page using HTML.     Thank you for your help in this  matter. Bern

No, you don't need to be a member of the to use Tidy.

I suggest you visit the main Tidy web page at :


to find a version of Tidy for your platform, to download.

There are many resources available on the Internet to help beginners with
HTML design.

You might want to use a search engine using keywords like "Tidy", "HTML",

Speaking for myself, with the version of Tidy I support on my platform, I
know a number of colleges and other institutions that promote the use of
Tidy in their HTML design courses - you might get some ideas from there.

Regards, Terry

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2002 02:59:33 UTC