Re: hello sir

badri nath wrote:
>                 i'am a student i have created a few web pages all
> in HTML but after hearing about XHTML now i want my pages to be
> converted to XHTMl. but i have a few doubts on XHTML.
> 1.How to save an XHTML file (e.g as .html or .xhtml)

There are no standardized extensions for any MIME type, however it is
common to store
XHTML files with a .html extension still, since that's what most servers
are configured to interpret as HTML, no matter which version.

> 2.what is the use of DTD?

In short, the DTD specifies the structure of a document, i.e. the
elements and attributes and in which context they can be used. For
example, the DTD specifies that the document element is "html", which
has two children "head" and "body". Within "head", certain elements such
as "meta", "link", "script", "style" etc. are valid, and so on.

See <URL:> for details on HTML and XHTML.

> 3.How to apply DTD on my pages
>    my web page url is
> http:\\\everneverin\publi1.html
>   i want to know how declare in the doctype declaration because i
> have not declared doctype in my pages.

A DTD is associated with a document in the DOCTYPE, if you run your page
through HTML tidy and produce XHTML output (by using the -asxml
parameter, or the corresponding option in the configuration file), the
DTD will be added automatically for you.

Note the URL is written in correctly, the slashes should be forward
slashes, i.e.

Hope that helps

Klaus Johannes Rusch

Received on Friday, 17 May 2002 05:00:52 UTC