Error Behaviour in parsing HTML with JTidy


I am trying to identify text that belongs to a script node using 4.Aug.2000
JTidy version.

Consider Parsing the below HTML.It dosen't work well.

<body bgcolor="#4B4B4B" onLoad="ieFlash();">

<div id="topLayerLeft">
<table valign="top" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="324"> 

var str=tll_links("yes","<img src=\"/cnet_news/template/link_test.gif\"
border=\"0\" alt=\"Test your connection speed\">","Steve Ballmer, CEO,
Microsoft: Ballmer talks up XML,
0/cgi-bin/visearch?user=","Analyst test drives Office XP
(3/1/01)","t030101_1330","<img src=\"\"
width=\"24\" height=\"18\" hspace=\"0\" align=\"top\"
stop=302666","Microsoft gaining ground at trial



The text Nodes of the DOM representation (calling to org.w3c.dom.Document
parseDOM(InputStream in, OutputStream out) method)  are:


TEXT NODE: var str=tll_links("yes","   

TEXT NODE: ","Steve Ballmer, CEO, Microsoft: Ballmer talks up XML,
0/cgi-bin/visearch?user=","Analyst test drives Office XP

stop=302666","Microsoft gaining ground a
t trial

and if you ask for the last three nodes parent name the value return is:

Why is not recognized the tag <SCRIPT>?
Is there any way to identify the tag <SCRIPT> or a new version that fixes
this case?


Carlos Ruiz-Capillas Zarranz
Software Engineer
Newknow Network S.A.
Direct Phone: 91 639 89 50
Main Phone: 91 639 90 00
Fax: 91 638 71 59

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Received on Thursday, 13 December 2001 09:54:02 UTC