Re: [Tidy-dev] Accessibility checking in Tidy

At 10:58 AM -0500 11/5/01, Charles Reitzel wrote:
>My immediate response:  Great! Let's do it.
>Nits to pick:
>1) Should Accessibility warnings be identified as such?  Perhaps even with
>their own "severity level".  E.g. Info, Warning, Access, Error.

At the moment, the Accessibility warnings are similar to those for the rest
of Tidy. There was talk at one time of improving the Tidy error msgs to be
similar to what you proposed above - I think that will have to wait for a
future version.

What I haven't done - in the original code, there was a "-notidy" option to
only do accessibility checking and none of the rest of the Tidy stuff; I
didn't think this was necessary, so I didn't implement it. But what I could
do is add some kind of divider line between the accessibility error section
and the other errors.

Waiting on further info from Mike/Chris regards error msgs.

>2) Accessibility warnings should identify the "level" of compliance (A, AA,
>With these changes, it will be easy for HTML developers to prioritize their
>accessibility efforts.  After all, it will take time to move existing code
>bases over.  Tidy can be used as a diagnostic and management tool.

I guess if you specify "-access 1" and you get no errrors/warnings, the
"level" of compliance would be "A"; similarly for "-access 2"/"AA" and
"-access 3"/"AAA".

Perhaps this is something that Mike/Chris could be thinking about regards
any accessibility error summary.

>Side question: is the "Error: suspicious 'href': has invalid file
>extension." new?  With server side URL re-writing/mapping, I don't think
>you can validate URL file extensions at all.

>>Accessibility Checks: Version 0.1

>>line 66 column 51 - Warning: 'href' may reference to sound file.
>>line 67 column 41 - Error: suspicious 'href': has invalid file extension.

Perhaps the grammar in the first error could be improved.

As for the invalid file extension issue, I need to be careful not to have a
platform specific implementation of the checking code - I rewrote the
original Windows centric code with a more general solution that I haven't
really checked into since I wrote it.

Regards, Terry

Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2001 03:57:28 UTC