Re: CheckColor default

In <>, Bjoern Hoehrmann <> writes:
> No, the behaivour is intended, Tidy should IMO always transform the case
> of hex digits and replace those 16 colors with their corresponding color
> names.

There are at least two good reasons:

* Color names are supported by MOST browsers but there are some, admittedly 
  historic, browsers which only understand color values. Color values are
  the least common denominator (at least I am not aware of a browser supporting
  names but not values).

* tidy should change what needs to be changed, but not mess with code that is
  already valid. The author of a document may have had a good reason, or just
  a personal preference, for choosing a color value instead of a color name.

> >The option probably should allow conversions in both directions, i.e.
> >
> >        ColorAttributes: symbolic|hexadecimal|asis
> I don't see any good reason why one wants Tidy to turn readable color
> names to unreadable color codes.

I do not see a benefit in making tidy unusable for folks who need to or 
want to use color values.

Klaus Johannes Rusch

Received on Sunday, 4 November 2001 07:43:05 UTC