Re: HTML fixes (3rd time sent lucky)

* Eric wrote:
>Has anybody got a wish list for the next tidy update, or a list of things to
>be a whare of.

This mailing list is dedicated to HTML features, HTML Tidy is beeing
discussed at, as Tidy tells you every time you run it.

>like tidy will change <u>S</u>tart
>to <u>S</u>

This is an acknowledged bug for the _XML_ pretty printer. I'll have a
look at it. HTML Tidy has only limited support for XML; the HTML pretty
printer works just fine and prints it like you intended.

>Then we have another problem not so bad.
><a href="page1.html"><img src="images/next.gif" alt="Take me to page one
>            width="55px" height="25px" /></a>
>that gets changed to
>          <a href="page1.html">
>            <img src="images/next.gif" alt="Take me to  page one please"
>            width="55px" height="25px" />
>          </a>

Tidy 04 August 2000 prints this as

    <a href="page1.html"><img src="images/next.gif"
    alt="Take me to page one please" width="55px"
    height="25px" /></a>

The current 1.90-dev version additionally warns you about

  Warning: <img> attribute "height" has invalid value "25px"
  Warning: <img> attribute "width" has invalid value "55px"

Please send in _reproducable_ bug reports, i.e. complete HTML pages and
configuration options and send it to or use the bug
tracker at this is, as I said, not
the right place to discuss HTML Tidy features.

>Not to mention the
>whihc I am still comign ot grpi wiht?

I don't get what you are trying to say. Tidy currently doesn't repair
the order of table children, but the order you used is quite correct.

>A note about height=? and width=? for pictures would not go astray, but a
>got a extra tip out of it, not that  I need it.
>as in <img src="group.gif" alt="This is the whole group" height="150"
>instead ot <img src="group.gif" alt="This is the whole group">

Again, I'm not sure what you want here.

Please not the Reply-to:, answers will go there.
Björn Höhrmann { }
am Badedeich 7 } Telefon: +49(0)4667/981028 {
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Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2001 17:15:55 UTC